Saturday, May 23, 2009

Maybe just a step back...

Okay, I've tried very hard to not report any inaccurate information on here, but we found out last night that they didn't start the grafting yesterday. Dad had fever so they opted to postpone it until Monday maybe, however they were able to move the drains in preparation of grafting. Everything is ready to go, he just needs to be well enough to do it. He is still on the vent because he has some fluid on his lungs and the vent helps him breathe better with the fluid. They have tried to reduce the fluid overnight and they will continue to try to do so during the day today. As they reduce the fluid they will try to ween him off the vent. Then hopefully they will get to move back to room 645. Mom has kept all of their stuff in there just to make it a little harder for them to boot them out. :) I hope that works.

Friday, May 22, 2009

One step forward another step back...

Well, the grafting has officially begun, but unfortunately dad is moving back to STICU. They were unable to move him off the full vent, so now they are trying to ween him. We're hoping that his stay there will be VERY short. They are going to try to hold his floor room as long as possible (but doubtfully more than 24 hours). We pray that dad will be able to be weened quickly and move back to his "floor home". They are going to allow mom to sleep in the floor room tonight. We pray that they don't have to officially move.

#60 - The Grafting Begins!

In Surgery! Please send prayers.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Another Not Lazy Day

Physical Therapy this morning was tough, but went very well. Dad walked to and from the window twice! It's wasn't long ago at all that he couldn't even stand (even though he tried so, so hard)!

Mom had a little meeting with Dr. Duke and signed some paperwork for the grafting. It sounds like it's really going to happen! Dr. Duke says that the fistula has moved to the front, so he should be able to start grafting that entire side. He will then move the drains to the middle, so they should not compromise the grafting at all. Great news! This grafting will be quite a process, but we are so happy that they are starting. There is still no plan to "close" him, but starting to graft one side is a great progress!

Mom also got to talk to one of the doctors about more of a long term plan. After they finish here (whenever that may be), then what? Therapy and then HOME!!!! They are pretty tight lipped about giving out an long term plans or prognosis, but talk about one day going home is definitely nice to hear.

Please pray that all goes well tomorrow and the grafts take.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Daily Report

These non-surgery days are anything but days of rest. They worked with his wound vacs this morning - those things seem somewhat unreliable. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, and it seems that his skin stays wet way too often. Of course this isn't good for his "good skin", so they needed to figure how to fix that up a bit.

Physical Therapy today was quite tough, but he did it! He was able to walk to and from the window again, and this time he actually took a second to look out. The first time he walked to the window he was in such a hurry (scared he might not be able to make it back) that he didn't even take a moment to check out the view.

Today he was also was able to move himself (with others around for support) to the chair where he sat for two hours. By that time he was finished with that he was exhausted and wished the chair just reclined back so he could rest there, but he did move himself back to the bed. All major accomplishments! After all of this, he napped! He's been sleeping much better (even at night). He doesn't sleep full nights, but at least consecutive hours.

Tomorrow it's back to surgery and then Friday - LET THE GRAFTING BEGIN!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Out of Surgery and Duke's Plan

Surgery went well, thankfully no real surprises just pretty routine. Dr. Duke revealed his plan to start grafting this Friday. Wow, he's finally mentioned a real date! Now we just pray that everything is able to go as planned. It appears that we're taking the next step!

On an unrelated note here is a little message I got from mom earlier today:

A Mennonite choir is going to come sing for us today! They spend 6 months here at Memorial Hermann volunteering. These young men come from all over--- Canada, Ohio, Kansas, etc. They do not know each other before they volunteer here but they sound like a fine tuned barber shop quartet (quartet + 2--there were 6 of them). They sang religious songs and as soon as they began dad and I looked at each other and we were equally amazed. Dad whispered "They're REALLY GOOD!" Their last song,"Amazing Grace", brought tears to my eyes. They volunteer all over the hospital, filling in on various floors. How lucky we were to be treated to this glorious impromptu concert!!

This group probably had no idea how much mom (and dad) would like their little performance. I actually texted mom and said "Little do they know what this really means to you!", of course she replied "You are so RIGHT!" As the group was finishing up their songs, it was time to take dad to surgery. The hospital transport technician waited outside dad's door so they could finish first.

Thanks so much to these fine men and women. It was really the highlight of the day!
