I would like for you to meet another member of Louie's health care team. Jocelyn is the physical therapist that has worked with Louie for the pastseveral months. She may be only 5 feet tall , but I would pair her against anyone for strength and agility. In the beginning she would patiently organize wound vacs, IV's, suction tubes, drains, etc. to painstakingly get him up to first sitting, and later standing and slowly walking to the window. The process of getting him "ready" was long and complicated but she patiently did so for the few steps he was able to withstand. After that she would reverse the whole process to get him back in bed again. He would make progress only to be set back after skin grafts (no physical therapy for 3 weeks). Each time however when Dr. Duke said physical therapy could be resumed she was back again to start over. He has soared under her direction and she has taught me so much!! As each set of goals was met, new goals were determined. She taught us how to work together using the wheelchair, the walker , the IV pole and other apparatus. I did not realize that she was slowly moving us toward independence with only each other. We were able to leave the room -- going to the chapel and even outside. There is certain criteria set for floor patients and he has met each of them. Today, as she put it, was Graduation Day. We will now, three times a day, do the work she set out for him on our own. We will continue toward building his strength as Dr. Duke gets him ready to go home. When he returns to El Campo he will continue physical therapy locally. When Jocelyn first mentioned that she would not be with us each day, I was quite honestly afraid. She is a joy to have around and I had come to think of her as our safety net. We have practiced alone in the evenings this week and I think we are ready to fly. She will still be around the floor to answer questions, if needed. Letting go is hard, but another measure of success. Thank you , Jocelyn!!
Love to all, Ruthie
Pictures from the last day of therapy
Learning to step up and down is literally crucial for his trip home. It get's him in the front door. :) He did great!