Monday, September 21, 2009

Popsicles and The Great Outdoors

Anniversary Date

Popsicles with Cayla and Suzanne

A Breath of Fresh Air - Outside for the First Time

With Dad pushing his IV pole and Mom pushing his wheelchair, they're quite a team!!!


  1. Nothing short of a MIRACLE and you all look so great for all you have been through!!! You are all true examples of good and faithful servants!!! Know that the prayers have not ceased, not even let up. We are still storming heaven for Louie and can't wait until your blog says, "Will continue with information from HOME"!!!
    Love and prayers,
    Nelda and Bill

  2. What awesome pictures.
    Keep up the good work and we'll keep up the prayers so that you'll be home with us soon.
    God bless you and your family!
    Richard & Claudia

  3. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!! I think of all the pics these are my favorite!! So thrilled for ya'll and just thinking of the word HOME...just 4 letters but ohhh how precious a word n place it is!! Keep up the good work and we're keeping our work goin here prayin as always for ya'll but especially Louis to continue getting stronger. Congrats also on the hearing too!! We're thankful for the big and even the little things but about that selective hearing stuff..shame shame on Dr. ;o)
    God Bless ya'll...Brenda Williams
