Friday, June 26, 2009


Dad went to and from surgery earlier today, and he's doing well. Mom had a bit of a scare while he was gone. No, it didn't have anything to do with how dad's surgery was going... a hospital cleaning lady came in to spruce up because dad was getting a ROOMMATE! This might sound minor, but if you've seen dad in his room all of the medical equipment that surrounds him, or heard how loud he has to have the TV just to hear it, you know just how big of a problem this would be. Any open square footage is used for THERAPY!

Luckily mom was able to call and get this straightened out, and thankfully the cleaning lady was just given the wrong room number.

Now time for a short therapy re-cap since I didn't post anything yesterday...

After Tuesday's return to therapy the next goal was to stand on Thursday. We knew this would be very tough, but dad was very determined. Little did we know, the therapists are doing things a bit differently this time. They are coming EVERY DAY (even surgery days)! Wednesday he was able to stand (a day earlier than planned). Thursday he took a few steps with the walker. Today when they came he was sound asleep after surgery, but he woke up ready to work. He was able to walk (with the walker) all the way to the window and walk backwards back to the bed. There he took a short breather and then did it again! Hopefully he will be able to do therapy once over the weekend and then back to the weekday schedule. This is all so hard, but he's doing GREAT!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Healing Hand of God

By: Marilyn Goerig

So many prayers, so much healing;
Louie has come a long way.
Now we need to get him home;
Time for a renewed call to pray.

He made it to the hospital;
Though everyone feared he would not.
He made it through that first surgery;
All by the grace of God.

Many months of hospitalization
With progress and set backs too.
Many many miracles and prayers;
Assured all he would pull through.

As he began to gain in strength;
And his condition improved.
Everyone rejoiced at the move
To his own private room.

Again family and friends cheered;
When skin grafting began.
It seemed that maybe soon
Healing would come as planned.

Louie still has frequent surgeries
And serious problems to resolve.
We will continue to put our trust
In the healing hand of God.


Dad went to and came back from surgery this morning. His recovery room method still works well.

Dad had a busy day yesterday - he got to restart physical therapy! This is somewhat like starting over because his legs (where the grafts were taken) are so tight and he's had weeks of inactivity. He spent some time sitting on the edge of the bed and did some exercises with his arms and legs. None of this was easy - in fact it was very painful. The next goal is standing!

Monday, June 22, 2009


Dad made it to and from surgery this morning in record time. He really hates spending any unecessary time in the recovery room, and somewhere around surgery #70 he figured out the trick of the trade. He says after he wakes up he starts yelling for them to send him back to his room. I've never considered my dad a "yeller" (he's always been very patient and reasonable), but I'm so glad he's figured this out. (and glad he still has some good yells left in him instead of using them all up in my childhood) He tells the hospital staff that he doesn't want be in the recovery room alone; he wants to recover in his regular room. Mom and his nurse "Li" were of course very honored. :)

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Little did we know that last year's Father's Day could have been the last. Dad calls this a "bad year" and says we can celebrate in 2010. While we all agree that there will definitely be celebrations in 2010, we are so thankful for Father's Day 2009. We love you Dad and Happy Father's Day!