Sunday, February 15, 2009

No Surgery Today

Dad was scheduled to go to surgery again, but today proved to be another very busy day in ICU (as weekends always are) and he got bumped from the lineup. Dr. Duke gave a report this evening and said they will take him tomorrow. In yesterday's surgery Dr. Duke made a small repair to his bowel, and other than that it was just a routine wash out. Today's labs showed little change from Saturday other than hemoglobin for which they gave him another couple units of blood. Overall dad had a rather uneventful day, and the pacemaker still has not had to help out his heart.

Cayla came for a brief visit this weekend as well. Of course she didn't visit Pawpaw, but Mimi was thrilled to see her little ladybug. When leaving this evening Cayla and I passed Dr. Duke and another Dr. in the hall. They were in deep discussion, but I pointed out to her that that was Pawpaw's doctor. She really wanted to meet him, but he appeared very busy. After we passed, she told me --
"Mom, he really just needs to give Pawpaw a 'walking stick' or 'wheeling chair'. If he did that his tummy wouldn't be wiggly when he walks and he could get better. Next time I see him, I'm going to tell him that."
She really wants me to arrange that meeting for her. I'm not sure how Dr. Duke would respond to her 6 year old wisdom.


1 comment:

  1. I love that children think they can fix the world. If only everyone looked at life like a 6 year old. I believe that uneventful days are just what Uncle Louie needs to rest up. Sunday's were always a day of rest...
