Friday, March 6, 2009

In God's time

Dr. Duke came by after surgery today to share both good and not so good news. Uncle Louie had another heart incident after surgery. His heart continues to be a worry so please continue to pray for his heart. He also had to work on debriding the back exit wound. It continues to be a source of infection. Luckily the micro surgeons arrived so they will also be working on debriding that area. Lets hope they are very successful and are quite fat when removed on Sunday.

The good news was that the belly continues to look "real clean". We feel blessed that his belly is improving.

As most of you know, Uncle Louie has several issues going on (infection in the exit wound, heart rate dropping, blood pressure issues, cleanliness of the belly) and he is obviously still VERY SICK, but the belly being cleaner is one step in the right direction. Hopefully each day/week/month we can slowly draw a line through each of his issues until he is finally well and back home in El Campo.

It's still a long road, but luckily Aunt Ruthie has cleared her schedule and is willing to take the long way home. Please keep praying for Uncle Louie to have a strong heart while his body and doctors fight the infection. Hopefully one day we will here Dr. Duke say that back exit wound is "real clean". Also please keep Ruthie and the Girls in your prayers.


The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. Psalm 145 : 15-16

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Ruthie you are doing an amazing job being there each step of the way...You and the girls are just as strong as Uncle Louie. Hang in there we are praying for you and the doctors.
