Wednesday, May 27, 2009


All's going well. Yesterday dad had a busy day - full of therapy and lots of work on the wound vacs. The wound vac adjusting was no fun. Lots of poking, proding, turning, etc, and it took quite a long time. In therapy dad took a few more steps and sat in a regular chair for the first time. Therapy's tough, but he really, really looks forward to it. While in the hospital it's the closest he can get to being his active self. We know he'd love to just get out and get his hands dirty. If you guys knew dad's hands before, you wouldn't recognize them now. While in STICU for the first few months his hands shed most of their callouses. It was kind of like molting. His finger nails have grown out and been trimmed, but not as short as he'd like due to risk of infection. (he prefers "worn down completely" look) Somewhere in there, maybe when changing the lines, the dressings, or the rooms, someone changed out his rough tough hands as well. In return he got some soft and smooth ones. All jokes aside, he's doing well. I'll post a post op report later on.

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