Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Routines Never Go Routinely

Mom and Dad are happy to be back home again, and are trying to add the infusion of two antibiotics to the routine. (both of which are administered differently) With so much to do, (and curveballs such as receiving incorrect tubing) getting into a routine seems nearly impossible. TPN, Antibiotic 1, Leaking Ostomy, Antibiotic 2 - OH MY!!! They are making it, and today's wish is for "uneventful". Boy does that sound nice! :)


  1. Routines...we adapt to the curveballs life throws us and Ruthie is the queen of adapting to all she has faced. From Derby Dolls to Cheerleading to softball to dance to ... life.

    Keep up the great work, we are all praying for not only Louis to get better day by day, but for Ruthie to continue to learn and persivere.

    Faith, family, and friends...with these, all things are possible.

    Love yall
    Deb Murray

  2. It is the simple things that mean the most. Prayers will continue so life will be more normal
    Much Love
    The Kachmars
