Monday, March 15, 2010

Moved to the Floor

Well this stay has turned out to be a little longer than we hoped. He's moved out of IMU and back to Jones 6.  The room is pretty small, but again we're hoping for a pretty short stay.  Duke did a bedside procedure the other day to cauterize some vessels around the fistulas, and the bleeding has completely stopped.  At this point they are trying have the trach surgery done while he's there.  The area where the trach formerly was is scheduled to be closed on 3/31.  This procedure will be done at Hermann and require an overnight stay. Now that the bleeding is no longer causing concern, it would be nice to just have this done and not have to return anytime soon.  Hopefully it will all work out.


  1. Thank you for the update and rest assured that Louie is in many a prayer for his continued healing and his quick return home. May Our Lord bless Louie with a quick and successful surgery, a speedy recovery and a safe trip home for you.
    Bill and Nelda

  2. I was gone over the weekend, so just now seeing this, but I wanted to add my prayers and thank you for still updating the blog when things happen.
