Sunday, March 15, 2009

From Behind the Eight Ball

Written by Marilyn Goerig

We cannot doubt the power of prayer
It's the glue between us and God.
No matter how bad the situation
Prayer brings us through somehow.

When Louie started on this journey
Dr. Duke admitted to all
His chances were pretty slim,
He was, in fact, "behind the eight ball."

While we know he is very sick
and the road ahead is long,
Dr. Duke marvelled
"He must have been very strong."

"I tend the sick, God heals the sick."
Dr. Duke admits humbly
"I'm just a worker in the vineyard"
Is his philosophy.

Although we get impatient
and want Louie's battle won
Dr. Duke reminds us
We signed up for Patience 101.

There are no unanswered prayers
As we pray for a positive sign
Our challenge is to remember
NOT in our time, but in God's time.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. I wish my brother was still at Hermann, things don't seem to be as good at Kindred. I am so glad my mom brought you my blog address. I couldn't tell you the day that I met you how grateful that I am for you...all I wanted to do is cry. (which is not like me) so I just think this layout is what I feel about you. I plan on journaling on the page, the story. If I didn't get it right, please email me at

    I hope that one day Troy might get to meet you, because though he is going to have a hard time with all that has gone on, I think he needs to know that there are good people out there, and I'm glad it was you that found him.

    I would also like to talk more to you about the raffles and benefits that ya'll are holding for your dad. I would like to do the same sort of thing for Troy, because I truly don't know how he is going to pay for all of this. I just don't even know where or how to begin with this sort of thing, and my mom doesn't have time to think about this. Maybe you could email me on how to begin.

    Thanks for the are awesome. I will continue to pray that your dad recovers quickly. He will want to know what an awesome thing you have done.
