Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day report

Surgery went as planned. A new batch of maggots (microsurgeons) were placed. He continues to be off the pressors (blood pressure support).

There was some concern for blood in his nasogastric tube which resulted in him having an EGD, which spelled out is an esophagogastroduodenoscopy. That's 26 letters for those counting. The EGD showed a small superficial ulcer at the junction of the esophagus and stomach. The gastroenterologist thinks it was probably caused by the NG tube, so that has been removed.

His blood counts did drop a little so he got some more blood today, but there is no apparent active bleeding right now.

Plans for tomorrow include hemodialysis and some more therapy.

Quoted from St. Patrick:

"God, whom we announce to you, is the Ruler of all things."
"The God of heaven and earth, of the sea and the rivers."
"The God of the sun, and the moon, and all the stars."
"The God of the high mountains and of the low-lying valleys."
"The God who is above heaven, and in heaven, and under heaven."
"His dwelling is in heaven and earth, and the sea, and all therein."
"He gives breath to all"
"He gives life to all."
"He is over all."
"He upholds all."
"He gives light to the sun."
"He imparts splendour to the moon."
"He has made wells in the dry land, and islands in the ocean."
"He has appointed the stars to serve the greater lights."
"His Son is co-eternal and co-equal with Himself."
"The Son is not younger than the Father."
"And the Father is not older than the Son."
"And the Holy Ghost proceeds from them."
"The Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost are undivided."
"But I desire by Faith to unite you to the Heavenly King, as you are daughters of an earthly king."



  1. We continue to pray for Louis and your family daily and celebrate with you each step of improvement.
    Linda & Michael Bolcik

  2. Sounds like he is making some very noticible improvements. What a comforting feeling. I'm glad Ruthie is able to be more involved in Louis' daily road to recovery. We all need to be needed and though we are all there for him in prayer she is now able to prove to him the vow she took "to honor him in sickness and in health". This will become challanging for all of you but bring more love to your heart and a strength in your bond with Louis. May he
    (and Greg) continue to feel our prayers and we continue to see the progress both in Louis' condition and the strength and love you have as a family.
