Sunday, May 3, 2009


Dad's had a good weekend. Yesterday he talked to Dr. Duke briefly and asked if he would go back to surgery on Monday. Of course Dr. Duke said yes. Dad asked if he was going to have lots more surgeries and Dr. Duke just replied "You continue to put up with me, and I'll continue to put up with you." Dad said, "Sounds good."

Dad has a bit of fever today, so they are going to try remove (and I'm guessing re-do) his central line. Dr. Duke came in and discussed it a little bit, and mom tried to ask "so you think this infection is from the central line?" Dr. Duke gave a very Duke-like response, "We don't know... You Can't Rush Ol' Red." So true. After Dr. Duke left dad specifically asked mom about his TPN, because he doesn't want them to take that away. He said, "They're going to hook my TPN back up, right? Because I'm really hungry".

Yesterday dad really wanted to do some physical therapy, but the therapists usually don't make it around on the weekends. When he'd see any girl walk down the hallway, he'd want us to call her in and he'd ask her if she could do therapy. Unfortunately none of those girls were therapists. He commented, "How am I going to learn how to walk if they don't come do therapy with me?" So true... he really wants to learn how to walk again. Today he got his wish and Physical and Occupational Therapists came by. He was very pleased about this. Physical Therapy was very tough. It wears him out, it makes him feel dizzy and sick, but he keeps at it. When they were done he was wiped out, yet before they could leave he asked, "You're going to be back tomorrow, right?" I probably would have just wanted a day to of rest, but he definitely has no desire to miss any therapy.

Therapy really wore him out, he was quite tired the rest of the day, and actually slept off and on. Tomorrow will be another surgery day. Continue praying that things may keep going well!

**** On an unrelated note-- As many of you know, dad's room is really cramped. There's not enough wall hangers for his canisters so they must be balanced in the bedside drawer (and they've already spilled), there's not room for the neuro-chair, so he doesn't get to sit in that anymore, there is not room to do any therapy that requires leaving the bedside. Plain and simple there's not room for much of anything. Not that we're asking for some large suite, but we want him to have every possible opportunity to do his therapy and have all of the medical equipment he needs. They are trying to get dad into a larger room, but there are few of those and right now none are available, however when one becomes available he's first on the list to be transferred. If you have a few extra prayers, send them out for whoever is in those larger rooms. As soon as one of them is discharged dad can make his move.

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