Tuesday, March 22, 2011


"I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord,  "plans to prosper and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

 Message from Ruthie:

Our visit to Dr. Saggi was a good one, for many changes are in the works.  First of all, Louie will begin immediately to have "Vital", a shake-like supplement 3 times a day.  It comes in FLAVORS!  Hopefully it will be very tasty.  We also found out that his liver is not permanently damaged, and possibly can be improved by this introduction to food that will cause it to work a bit. 

He has very little small intestine (approximately 60-70 cm) compared to what most of us have ~700 cm .  The large intestine is shortened as well, however  Dr. Saggi feels that these amounts are still ENOUGH to attempt to reconnect him. Bonnie, Louie and I all had tears of joy!  This event could be soon.  We will return in two weeks to see what effect the supplement is having on him and make further plans from there.

Although it has been our prayer for so long, and that of so many prayer warriors who speak to God on Louie's behalf, it is a bit scary.    We do know from past experience however, that if God brings you to it, He will bring  you through it.  He has given us all of the tools needed on this long journey starting with a wonderful EMS crew, Dr. Red Duke, supportive family and friends, cooperative workplaces, to finally Dr. Saggi (a reputable specialist referred to us by Dr. Duke). 

Thank you, thank you, for your prayers.  You are all our campanions on the journey.  Although we know that unexpected things can always happen, we constantly remind ourselves of those words that mean so much.  God has plans for Louie's future, plans to prosper and not to harm him.  We gratefully hold on to this new gift, the gift of HOPE.


  1. What wonderful news...I too have tears in my eyes! I love that things are progressing for Uncle Louie. Always thinking of you all.

  2. THANKS BE TO GOD!!! Sure was so HAPPY TO READ THIS SPECIAL POST!!!! I think any of us who come here will shed tears as we read this as well!!! Praying all goes gr8 with the "Vital" n what a name as i think how VITAL OUR GOD IS for our nourishment!!! Without him we would be lost n yes he does have a plan for ur sweet n courageous hubby n we'll be right there with ya'll as we contiue to keep those prayers going for him n ur beautiful family!! What a way to welcome the new season of Spring with Easter on it's way...just terrific news!!!
    ;o) Loveya'll YSIC...Brenda ♥

  3. Just stopping by to check on Louie. We finally left Houston April 8th. Everytime I would look out Cory's window down Fannin, I wondered how he was and if he had started his journey toward closure. We keep him, Ruthie and the family in our thoughts and prayers everyday.

    Cory, Cheyenne and Jennifer Morton
