Wednesday, April 29, 2009

In surgery - The Big 5-0

Wow surgery #50! I didn't realize there had been that many (probably because I didn't label the last couple).

Dad didn't sleep well again last night (maybe partially due to a late evening "nap"). He did let mom sleep a little bit (off and on) and both of them seem to be okay today. It doesn't matter what hour of the night it is, he still looks forward to his 3 cubes of ice. He knows he gets them once an hour at a quarter 'til. He watches the clock and counts down. Yesterday dad was very happy to see Fr. Gary when he came to visit. He asked him to bless his meal - all three cubes!

This morning dad decided he wanted to hear a few more familiar voices and he called his friends at Shoppa's. How strange must it have been to be first one to answer that call. Never the less, he wanted to touch base with them. Holding the phone up tired him, but he was happy to get a chance to talk to the guys. It may sounds strange, but I think he felt a sense of accomplishment in making his first phone call.

That's all for now. I'll update later when I get a post-op report.

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