Thursday, April 2, 2009

End of the Day Report

Dad had a scary day. Scary for us, but even more so for himself. As of this evening he is able to move both arms and legs. He's still not moving as much as he has in the past, but as the day progressed his movement increased dramatically. They never did take him for the CAT scan they mentioned earlier, but since much of the paralysis has seemed to wear off, they believe that this possibly was just a bad reaction to anesthesia.

This afternoon I was able to talk to him, and he was very coherent. More coherent and focused than he even was yesterday. He was able to mouth questions to me, and I did my best to read his lips and answer. He asked about Cayla and Tate, he asked about how mom was, he asked about the various machines around him.

Shortly there after is when his heart rate and blood pressure went haywire and it really, really scared him. We realized that we've had nine weeks to cope with this and watch his progress. He's only been awake for a few days (and has been disoriented for some of that time and under anesthesia during surgery as well). Today he wakes up and feels paralyzed. Of course is unbelievably scary for him. They were able to calm him down with some Ativan. His echo cardiogram and the ultrasound of his heart were good. After all of this his vitals stabilized. Later on, cousin Jenna (Luke's wife) was able to see him with mom. This was perfect because she teaches the deaf and she's much, much better at lip reading than any of us. She was able to interpret his questions for mom to answer. We never realized that he was worrying about so much. They covered everything from his job, keeping his word to his farmers, to finances, and his own fears about his recovery. Mom was able to reassure him that everything was being taking care of and let him know just how much progress has already been made.As I was leaving he was sleeping. Hopefully he will get a good nights rest, because he was awake most all of the day.

Please pray that he will be able to cope with all of the struggles he's facing. Pray that he will be able to believe he can recover and feel the support of all of those who have lifted him in prayer.


  1. Ruthie and Girls,
    God has blessed us so much by your faith and strength and by our prayers being answered with Louie's progress. Just tell Louie that God has a plan here and he is an IMPORTANT PART OF THAT PLAN and all he has to do is have faith and do exactly what Dr. Duke tells him and stay focused on you and the girls. We will continue to storm heaven with prayers and with strong faith and lots of prayer he will make it through this with grace to spare!!! Tell him the farmers miss him and with every conversation about him there is prayer in their hearts. Keep the faith, Ruthie, and we will continue to be your prayer warriors.

    Love and our hearts,
    Nelda and Bill

  2. This is wonderful news. I am very happy you can now have conversations about everything. As time progresses I think he will become more at ease with all the machines and beeps. Tell him that we are all thinking of him.
