Tuesday, April 21, 2009

To Everyone--

This might be posted a little later than we would have liked, but it is definitely not because it’s been overlooked or forgotten. Knowing how and who all to thank has been on our minds since the Benefit Dinner/Dance was first mentioned (actually before, when the word of a raffle was first circulating). How ever do we thank all of those who have done so much?

Chris and Donna and Family – Your friendship is priceless. You worked so long and so hard and it all came together beautifully. We love you guys so much!

Mike Ryan – I can’t believe I just met you for the first time the day of the benefit, and you had already been so generous to our family. Thank you just doesn’t seem like enough for someone who has done so much.

St. Philip KC’s - Thank You, Thank You, Thank You – for the facilities, preparing the food and for being such great friends.

Shoppa’s Farm Supply– You’ve been family members for over 20 years (some even since 1975), and you guys (and girls) really out-did yourselves. You all helped out in so many areas and made a fabulous cart of “goodies” that everyone had their eye on. Special thanks to David Rose for serving as the auctioneer.

Let It Ride - thank you so much for the awesome music! You guys did an amazing job.

To our extended family: We cannot go without mentioning all that you’ve done and continue to do. You make sure that we need for nothing. We love you!

To everyone who donated, helped serve, helped cook, helped clean, and in any way supported dad we thank you!

Events like this could easily take a year to plan, yet because of all of you this was unbelievably successful with less than two months preparation. We have leaned on all of you for support and guys have lifted us up continuously. We are so grateful to have such a supportive community alongside us in the journey. In the previous 83 days not a single day has passed without a visitor to the hospital. This blog is read many, many more times each day that I ever thought possible. We’ve had over 84,000 visits since it began. For the benefit, your prayers, and your friendship – THANK YOU!

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