Friday, April 24, 2009

Post Op Report

Dr. Duke decided to either cancel or postpone his various trips today and take dad to surgery - rather than pass him to another surgeon.

Surgery went well, even though it took a little longer than expected. It was basically a wash out wound exchange, and drain adjustment. Dad's back in his room and moving his arms and legs, but still pretty groggy. Last night dad had an issue where his blood sugar plummeted. The nurses gave him *something* (not sure what to call it other than sugar water), and he is doing fine now. They are just going to continue to keep an eye on it (checking it hourly).

That's all I have to report!

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for the day I look at this page and read that Louise and Ruthy have opened the front door of thier home and walked inside again. I think God sent me to this page to see your faith in action. Threw this you have restored my faith which had become a little stale.

